Sunsha Tseng
Edward Lu
Zoe Shih
Leon Wu
CC Chou
Cindy Lin
Hannah Cheng
Tiffany Tseng
Koehler Chien
社會使命/Social mission

我們看見目前特殊教育的現況及困境,台灣實施共融教育,將特殊生融入普通班,但隨著特殊生比例逐年成長,近20年來特殊生人數成長81%,佔總學生數 6%,普通班每 25 人就有 2 人是特殊生,班班有特殊生為教育現況。但是「特教師生比例長年嚴重失衡」,使得特殊生在班上常遭同儕排擠、或有情緒壓力等問題時,未能及時獲得幫助,更是未來ㄧ生需要去面對的課題,除了求學過程遇到挫折,長遠以來更影響到未來求職發展等。


本團隊以資訊科技解決教育問題為使命,運用資訊技術、人工智慧技術及整合策略夥伴資源,解決兒童教育、特殊教育學習問題,提升教育環境品質,實現有教無類、公平教育權的永續發展目標。以社會創新價值的社會企業商業模式,符合SDGs 4優質教育,解決目前特教學習問題,確保所有的孩童都能獲得平等、高品質的教育。

社交練習的重要性不容忽視,這種練習能幫助學生在學習過程中建立積極的人際關係,不僅提升他們的正向學業情緒,還能增強其生涯自我效能。根據「高職生期望價值、正向學業情緒與生涯自我效能之關係」的研究,正向學業情緒在期望價值與生涯自我效能之間具有中介效果,顯示學生對學業的期望和價值感能通過提升其正向學業情緒,進而增強其生涯自我效能。在社會性問題的利害關係人中,特殊生是最直接受到影響的群體,尤其輕度至中度認知障礙和其他類型特殊需求的國小學生,這階段正是社交技能發展的關鍵期。通過早期介入,可以更有效地培養他們的社交能力,為未來的學習和生活奠定基礎。在台灣共融教育的背景下,特殊學生比例逐年增加,教育體系面臨諸多挑戰。為了解決這些學生在社交技巧練習上的困難,我們的服務「AI SOLLY 特殊教育社交練習小夥伴」系統,這是台灣首創的AI互動夥伴,旨在將教學模式與特教教材導入AI系統,提供教師強大的教學輔助工具,來幫助特殊兒童進行對話練習。

我們團隊將大部分盈餘再投資於我們的使命和目標,並且我們的服務優先考慮人和地球的福祉,非都市的小學,教育資源相對稀少,也因如此,在2024年我們已經將公司大部分盈餘提供給103間台灣桃園非都市小學免費使用我們的社交練習系統。我們也預計在2025年提供服務給台灣其他21個縣市的偏鄉小學使用,幫助更多弱勢學生。 至少50%的再投資或相關支出已是我們的重要計劃。目前我們已經在我們的公司章程保證30%的再投資目標,並預計在2025年達到50%的再投資比例。這些資金將主要用于開發和改進我們的技術平台,培訓教育人才以及免費提供軟體服務給教育資源稀缺的學校,更好地支援特殊生和教育機構。


We observe the current status and challenges of special education; in Taiwan, inclusive education is implemented, integrating special needs students into regular classes. However, as the proportion of special needs students has increased, growing by 81% over the past 20 years and accounting for 6% of the total student population, this means that in a regular class of 25 students, there are 2 special needs students. The issue of "severe imbalance in the ratio of special education teachers to students" often results in special needs students being marginalized or facing emotional stress without timely assistance. This is a long-term challenge they must confront, affecting not only their academic journey but also their future career development.

Special needs students face numerous challenges in social and communication skills, which directly hinder their learning and development. These difficulties can make it hard for them to interact with peers, leading to low self-esteem and poor academic performance. If these issues are not addressed, special needs students may become marginalized in school and the community, affecting their future lives and social integration, and potentially leading to various social problems. Enhancing social communication training for special needs students not only helps boost their confidence and improve interactions with others but also aligns with the spirit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, "Quality Education." Specifically, target 4.2 aims to ensure that all children, especially those from disadvantaged groups, have access to quality early childhood education. The early education stage is the best window for developing key

Our team is dedicated to using information technology to solve educational problems. We leverage IT, artificial intelligence, and integrate resources from strategic partners to address learning challenges in children's and special education, improving the quality of educational environments. Our goal is to achieve sustainable development through inclusive and equitable education, consistent with SDG 4: Quality Education. As a social enterprise with a socially innovative business model, we aim to resolve current issues in special education, ensuring that all children receive equal, high-quality education.

The importance of social skills practice cannot be underestimated. Such exercises help students establish positive interpersonal relationships during their learning process, not only enhancing their positive academic emotions but also increasing their career self-efficacy. According to the research on "The Relationship between Expectancy-Value, Positive Academic Emotions, and Career Self-Efficacy among Vocational High School Students," positive academic emotions have a mediating effect between expectancy-value and career self-efficacy. This demonstrates that students’ expectations and values towards their studies can boost their positive academic emotions, thereby enhancing their career self-efficacy.

In the context of social issues, special needs students are the most directly affected group, particularly elementary school students with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities and other types of special needs. This stage is critical for developing social skills, and early intervention can effectively foster their social abilities, laying a foundation for future learning and life.

Within the framework of inclusive education in Taiwan, the proportion of special needs students is steadily increasing, posing numerous challenges to the education system. To address the difficulties these students face in practicing social skills, we offer the "AI SOLLY Special Education Social Skills Practice Companion" system. This is the first AI interactive companion of its kind in Taiwan, designed to integrate teaching models and special education materials into an AI system. It provides teachers with a powerful teaching aid to help special needs children with conversation practice.

Our team reinvests the majority of our profits into our mission and goals, prioritizing the well-being of people and the planet. In non-urban elementary schools, where educational resources are relatively scarce, we have provided our social practice system free of charge to 103 non-urban elementary schools in Taoyuan, Taiwan, using most of our company's profits in 2024. We also plan to extend our services to rural elementary schools in 21 other counties and cities in Taiwan by 2025, helping more disadvantaged students. At least 50% reinvestment or related expenditure has been a significant part of our plan. Currently, we have ensured a 30% reinvestment target in our company's charter and aim to achieve a 50% reinvestment ratio by 2025. These funds will primarily be used to develop and improve our technology platform, train educational talent, and provide software services free of charge to schools with scarce educational resources, better supporting special needs students and educational institutions.

Moreover, these goals and the manner of profit allocation will not change due to funding or ownership alterations. We will incorporate these commitments into our corporate bylaws to ensure our social responsibilities and missions are consistently upheld. We expect to complete this initiative by 2025, thereby demonstrating to all stakeholders our long-term commitment to social innovation and our steadfast belief in advancing equitable education and inclusive opportunities.

完整介紹/Complete Social Mission